What We Do

Our Approach

All Aboard!

In order to meet the diverse needs of families, we offer Clinic, In-Home, and Community ABA Services, as well as Telehealth, Hybrid therapy, Parent Coaching, and Behavioral Consulting!

We will create personalized programs and targets that best fit the specific needs and abilities of your child.

It takes a family to raise children to their full potential.

Clinic-based ABA Therapy

Advantages of Clinic-Based ABA Therapy

Clinic-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy offers several advantages for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families. Here are some key advantages:

·       Structured and Controlled Environment: Clinic-based ABA therapy takes place in a controlled setting. This controlled environment provides a structured and consistent atmosphere for therapy sessions. It allows for better monitoring of progress and ensures that distractions are minimized, leading to enhanced focus and attention during therapy.

·       Availability of Resources: Our clinic has a range of resources and materials specifically designed for therapy sessions that are usually not available in the home.


·       Social Interaction Opportunities: Clinic-based ABA therapy allows individuals with ASD to interact with peers who are also receiving therapy. This creates opportunities for socialization, social learning, and the development of important social skills. Group sessions and structured play activities can help individuals practice social interactions in a safe and supportive environment.

In-Home ABA Therapy

Advantages of Home-Based ABA Therapy

ABA therapy is also very effective when the treatment is done in environments that are natural to the child. One such environment is, of course, the home setting. Skills such as independent living, personal care, and social skills when learned around family members and friends can then be applied to other contexts outside of the home. An added benefit is that the people that will spend the most time with the child in this developmental stage become an integral part of the treatment process.   

Social Skills Coaching

Behaving appropriately in social settings is one of the greatest challenges faced by some children with ASD, other developmental disabilities, and children who merely struggle to engage with their peers, friends, and family members. 

We at ABA Vibe provide social skills training (SST) that will allow your child to experience meaningful interactions with others. Some of the social skills we teach children are greeting, eye contact, listening, emotional control, self-confidence, gestures, body language, social cues, compassion, and communicating in the appropriate context with their peers, siblings, and adults.

Social Skills Training includes going out in the community, playgrounds, parks, grocery stores, and so on where the skills can be generalized in a natural environment.

Standalone Social Skills Training may be an option for your family if you are:

  1. Waiting on a diagnosis for your child.


2. Do not have affordable insurance to pay for ABA Services.

Parent Training

ABA Vibe believes that you, the parent, are the expert when it comes to your child, and no one is more essential to the success of the treatment. Our role is to coach you in ABA principles because treatment extends well beyond the time the child spends with the therapist. Parents play a key role in solidifying the modification of behavior whether it is increasing desirable behaviors or decreasing undesirable and harmful behaviors. In other words, if the treatment is to have a lasting impact, you, the parent must be trained and actively involved.

Parent Coaching and Training will also help you to deal with the understandable stress that comes with caring for a child with social, communication and behavioral challenges.

Behavior Consulting Services

ARD & IEP Consultation

The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) is federal legislation mandated to
 “ensure that all children with disabilities have  available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.”  

The process of obtaining an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is extremely important to the appropriate and free special education and continued care of your child. A Licensed Board Certified Behavior Analyst will explain the process of the IEP and the vital role that you, as parents play in the Texas Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee. We can provide ongoing support to affect positive behavior changes in your child by preparing you for IEP meetings.

We want to ensure that ALL children engage in positive behaviors so that they can thrive now and in the future. We provide strategies to help typical children who may have challenges such as appropriately expressing emotions, feelings, thoughts, impulsivity, and other common behaviors of children. The BCBA will observe the behaviors of the child, discuss them with the parents, and create an intervention plan. For instance, a child kicks because of wanting an item versus asking in an appropriate manner.   

Social Skills Coaching

Behaving appropriately in social settings is one of the greatest challenges faced by some children with ASD, other developmental disabilities, and children who merely struggle to engage with their peers, friends, and family members. 

We at ABA Vibe provide social skills training (SST) that will allow your child to experience meaningful interactions with others. Some of the social skills we teach children are greeting, eye contact, listening, emotional control, self-confidence, gestures, body language, social cues, compassion, and communicating in the appropriate context with their peers, siblings, and adults.

Social Skills Training includes going out in the community, playgrounds, parks, grocery stores, and so on where the skills can be generalized in a natural environment.

Standalone Social Skills Training may be an option for your family if you are:

  1. Waiting on a diagnosis for your child.


2. Do not have affordable insurance to pay for ABA Services.

Parent Coaching and Social Skills Training are also standalone options if you do not need the full range of In-Home ABA services.
We provide Parent Training and Coaching Skills Services for individuals with developmental disabilities and also for typically developing children (kids without apparent physical, learning, language, or behavior impairments).
(Contact us for more details)

Behavioral Intervention Strategies for Typically Developing Children

We want to ensure that ALL children engage in positive behaviors so that they can thrive now and in the future. We provide strategies to help typical children who may have challenges such as appropriately expressing emotions, feelings, thoughts, impulsivity, and other common behaviors of children. The BCBA will observe the behaviors of the child, discuss them with the parents, and create an intervention plan. For instance, a child kicks because of wanting an item versus asking in an appropriate manner.   .

At ABA Vibe, success is achieved when we are out of a job because children have become independent and do not need us any longer.